B.5. Changelog entries handling

When committing translations directly to GIT repositories for Debian packages, translators must update the debian/changelog file accordingly.

Each change in Debian packages has to be documented in the debian/changelog file.

However, this does not apply to level 1 translations, that is the Debian Installer core packages translations. For these translations, no changelog updates are needed by translators.

Below is an excerpt of the changelog file for base-config:

base-config (2.39) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Updated translations: 
    - Croatian by Krunoslav Gernhard

 -- Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>  Sat, 24 Jul 2004 08:14:13 +0200

base-config (2.38) unstable; urgency=high

This gives the following information:

Different Debian packages may use slightly different methods and styles for changelog maintenance. When working with GIT repositories, using UNRELEASED for the last entry is highly recommended for new unpublished changes.

Using the debchange utility from the devscripts Debian package for handling changelog entries maintenance is also highly recommended..