4.1. 官方的 Debian GNU/Linux 安装映像

By far the easiest way to install Debian GNU/Linux is from a set of official Debian installation images. You can buy a set of CDs/DVDs or an USB stick from a vendor (see the CD vendors page). You may also download the installation images from a Debian mirror and make your own set, if you have a fast network connection and a CD/DVD burner. Or the modern way: write such image to an USB stick (see the Debian CD/DVD page and Debian CD FAQ for detailed instructions). If you have such installation media, and they are bootable on your machine, which is the case on all modern PCs, you can skip right to 第 5 章 引导安装系统. Much effort has been expended to ensure the most-used files are on the first DVD image, so that a basic desktop installation can be done with only the first DVD.

同样,要记住:如果使用的安装介质不包括需要的软件包的话,总是可以以后从运行的新 Debian 系统来安装这些软件包(在安装结束后)。如果需要知道在哪个安装映像找到特定的软件包,请访问https://cdimage-search.debian.org/

如果您的机器不支持从光盘媒介引导 (仅限于非常古老的 PC 系统),但您有一套DVD,可以使用替代的方案,例如: 硬盘、 U 盘、 网络引导、 或者从光盘手工装载内核来初始化系统安装程序。光盘的里已经包含了用其他方法引导所需的文件;Debian 网络存档和文件夹组织方式相同。因此当引导需要特定的文件时,可以从安装媒介的相同目录和子目录中找到。


如果您没有安装介质,则需要下载安装程序系统文件并且把它们放到 硬盘或 U 盘或 一台联网的计算机上,然后它们可以被用来引导安装程序。