3.5. 為多重開機系統事先分割磁碟

分割您的硬碟指的僅是將您的硬碟空間切分成幾塊。分割之後,每一塊都是獨立於其餘部分的單獨空間。這和在一個大房幾里砌堵牆有幾分相似 如果您在其中一間房間裡安置傢俱,不會對其它房間有任何影響。

If you already have an operating system on your system (Windows, OS/2, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, …) which uses the whole disk and you want to stick Debian on the same disk, you will need to repartition it. Debian requires its own hard disk partitions. It cannot be installed on Windows or Mac OS X partitions. It may be able to share some partitions with other Unix systems, but that's not covered here. At the very least you will need a dedicated partition for the Debian root filesystem.

You can find information about your current partition setup by using a partitioning tool for your current operating system, such as the integrated Disk Manager in Windows. Partitioning tools always provide a way to show existing partitions without making changes.


Several modern operating systems offer the ability to move and resize certain existing partitions without destroying their contents. This allows making space for additional partitions without losing existing data. Even though this works quite well in most cases, making changes to the partitioning of a disk is an inherently dangerous action and should only be done after having made a full backup of all data. For FAT/FAT32 and NTFS partitions as used by Windows systems, the ability to move and resize them losslessly is provided both by debian-installer as well as by the integrated Disk Manager of Windows.

To losslessly resize an existing FAT or NTFS partition from within debian-installer, go to the partitioning step, select the option for manual partitioning, select the partition to resize, and simply specify its new size.