1.1.  The Debian Installer levels of translation

The Debian Installer translator process has been divided into several levels which represent steps towards a complete translation of the installer for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.

Translators should work in the order detailed below, level by level. Inside each level, complete the steps in the described order. This order is related to the degree of importance of material needing translation.

The following parts of this chapter will give details and context about each level components, instructions for getting the material which needs translations as well as sending back the translated material.

Translators should read them carefully, even if they already worked on Debian translations.

Due to the granularity of Debian work and more specifically the packages system, translators may find differences between the various packages a bit annoying (most of them use git, but some may not use any repository at all ...). This is a consequence of the current work organization in Debian.