Chapter 1. For translators: translating Debian Installer

Table of Contents

1.1. The Debian Installer levels of translation
1.2. Levels summary
1.3. Prioritizing work
1.4. Level 1
1.4.1. Contents
1.4.2. Sublevels
1.4.3. Files location and access methods
1.4.4. Beginning a new translation
1.4.5. Updating/adding translations
1.4.6. Prioritizing work
1.4.7. Specific recommendations
1.5. Level 2
1.5.1. Contents
1.5.2. Tasksel
1.5.3. Iso-codes
1.5.4. Popularity-contest
1.5.5. Util-linux (eject)
1.5.6. Espeakup
1.5.7. Grub2
1.6. Level 3
1.6.1. Contents
1.6.2. Debconf
1.6.3. Newt
1.7. String freezes and the Debian Installer release process