Once the installer starts, you will be greeted with an initial screen. Press Enter to boot, or read the instructions for other boot methods and parameters (see 節 5.3, “開機參數”).
接下來畫面要求您選擇欲使用的語言。利用上下鍵來選擇語言,然後按 Enter 以繼續下面的步驟。接下來,您要選擇您的國家,選項裡包括了那些使用您所選語言的國家。如果在列表中找不到您要找的國家,還有一個包含世界上所有國家的列表以供選擇。
Now sit back while debian-installer detects some of your hardware, and loads the rest of the installation image.
接下來,安裝程式會嘗試偵測網路相關硬體,透過 DHCP 完成網路的設定。如果電腦沒有連接網路,或是沒有用 DHCP,那麼您也可以手動設定網路。
Setting up the network is followed by the creation of user accounts. By default you are asked to provide a password for the “root” (administrator) account and information necessary to create one regular user account. If you do not specify a password for the “root” user, this account will be disabled but the sudo package will be installed later to enable administrative tasks to be carried out on the new system. By default, the first user created on the system will be allowed to use the sudo command to become root.
The next step is setting up your clock and time zone. The installer will try to contact a time server on the Internet to ensure the clock is set correctly. The time zone is based on the country selected earlier and the installer will only ask to select one if a country has multiple zones.
Now it is time to partition your disks. First you will be given the opportunity to automatically partition either an entire drive, or available free space on a drive (see 節, “Guided Partitioning”). This is recommended for new users or anyone in a hurry. If you do not want to autopartition, choose from the menu.
If you have an existing Windows partition that you want to preserve, be very careful with automatic partitioning. If you choose manual partitioning, you can use the installer to resize existing FAT or NTFS partitions to create room for the Debian install: simply select the partition and specify its new size.
On the next screen you will see your partition table, how the partitions will be formatted, and where they will be mounted. Select a partition to modify or delete it. If you did automatic partitioning, you should just be able to choose /
. For more detailed information on how to use the partitioner, please refer to 節 6.3.4, “分割區與選擇掛載點”; the appendix 附錄 C, 為 Debian 分割磁區 has more general information about partitioning.
現在 debian-installer
The base system that was installed earlier is a working, but very minimal installation. To make the system more functional the next step allows you to install additional packages by selecting tasks. Before packages can be installed apt
needs to be configured as that defines from where the packages will be retrieved. The “Standard system utilities” task will be selected by default and should normally be installed. Select the “Desktop environment” task if you would like to have a graphical desktop after the installation. See 節, “Selecting and Installing Software” for additional information about this step.
The last step is to install a boot loader. If the installer detects other operating systems on your computer, it will add them to the boot menu and let you know. By default GRUB will be installed to the UEFI partition/boot record of the primary drive, which is generally a good choice. You'll be given the opportunity to override that choice and install it elsewhere.
will now tell you that the installation has finished. Remove the cdrom or other boot media and hit Enter to reboot your machine. It should boot up into the newly installed system and allow you to log in. This is explained in 章 7, 啟動新 Debian 系統.
如果您想要更多的安裝過程相關資訊,請看 章 6, 使用 Debian 安裝程式。