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Better yet, get a copy of the DocBook source for this document, and produce patches against it. The DocBook source can be found at the installation-guide project on salsa. If you're not familiar with DocBook, don't worry: there is a simple cheatsheet in the manuals directory that will get you started. It's like html, but oriented towards the meaning of the text rather than the presentation. Patches submitted to the debian-boot mailing list (see below) are welcomed. For instructions on how to check out the sources via git, see README from the source root directory.
Please do not contact the authors of this document directly. There is also a discussion list for debian-installer
, which includes discussions of this manual. The mailing list is <debian-boot@lists.debian.org>
. Instructions for subscribing to this list can be found at the Debian Mailing List Subscription page; or you can browse the Debian Mailing List Archives online.